Welcome to Hatred.io

I'm Dillon - that guy that everyone knows for selling PBN links.
Franklin Hatchett
"I've said it before and I'll say it again, this guy has the best links and actually cares about his PBNs. If you want someone who looks after his network and produces results then Hatred's links are what you need..."
James Gregory
"Dillon really takes care of his buyers. He has some new private networks that I can attest from #45 to #4 for a high CPC 12.1k phrase. Not bad at all."

Real Reviews

Repeat customers make up a majority of my sales. 

I don't run ads anywhere, I don't post anywhere, and I'm not active in any communities; I don't find Customers, they find me.
Legiit.com Customer
"Amazing to work with, seriously knowledgeable and will work with you to get your order right. Follow up was impeccable and very detailed. This is the standard that all other Legiit suppliers should strive to achieve. I would rate them 10 out of 5 (if that was even possible, which obviously, it isn't and never will be). But for now, take my word on it - they're not here to fuck spiders. Order with them, unless of course, you're my competition.."

I Don't Blog Anymore

(These Posts are from 2018 - most of the concepts hold true 6 years later!)